Invitation | Womei Biology invites you to the 9th China Veterinary Medicine Conference in 2023

[2021-05-28 14:44:30]

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     The 9th China Veterinary Medicine Conference 2023 will be held on 2023.06.18-2023.06.19 at Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center as scheduled.

The exhibition focuses on veterinary drugs, APIs, serums, culture media, new adjuvants, immune enhancers, packaging materials, pharmaceutical machinery and equipment, inspection and testing instruments and equipment, diagnostic products and intelligent diagnostic equipment, plant construction facilities, pet medical and health care supplies, breeding livestock and poultry, and other veterinary medicine industry upstream and downstream products. Special No.1 Hall - Provincial Group Display Area, No.2 Hall - Large Animal Protection Enterprises Display Area, No.3 Hall - New GMP Related Equipment Display Area, No.4 Hall - Comprehensive Exhibition Area.

Womei Bio will be looking forward to your arrival at Booth 3-151 in Hall 3 - New GMP Related Equipment Exhibition Area, and will bring its core products, such as bioreactors and culture media, to meet with you offline.

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2023.06.18-2023.06.19 Wome Biologicals in Hall 3

We are looking forward to seeing you!

2023 The 9th Chinese Veterinary Medicine Conference | Schedule:

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Available through this link:  Sign up to participate


Contact details

  • Website:
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  • Address:
  • No.23, South side of Fenghuang Avenue, Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou, China

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