293 Cell Culture Media 293-SFM1

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  • Product Description
  • Product Applications
  • Product Characteristics
  • Product Information
  • Ordering Information
  • 293 cells are a human renal epithelial cell line transfected with adenovirus E1A gene. This cell line is suitable for adenovirus expansion, transient transfection of expressed proteins, etc.

    293-SFM1 medium is a serum-free medium designed for 293SUS cells.

  • This medium is suitable for suspension culture of 293SUS, HEK293 and other cells. Cells grow in suspension in this medium with controlled cell clusters, which is very suitable for adenovirus proliferation. Cells grow rapidly in this medium and the highest cell density can reach 1.0×107cells/ml, which is suitable for large-scale scale-up culture in bioreactors.

  • Product Number

    Product Specification




Contact details

  • Website:
  • http://en.suzhouwomei.com/
  • Email:
  • womeishengwu@szwmbio.com
  • Address:
  • No.23, South side of Fenghuang Avenue, Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou, China

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