High5 Cell Culture Media HF-SFM Liquid

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  • Product Description
  • Product Applications
  • Product Characteristics
  • Product Information
  • Ordering Information
  • In the insect cell-barcovirus expression system, High5 cells occupy an important position, with the remarkable feature of high protein expression, and most of the vaccines declared for approval in China have chosen this cell line as the substrate.

  • Serum-free protein-free medium for insect cell High5 culture, which supports high-density suspension growth of the BTI-TN-5B1-4 (Tn5, High5) cell line, in addition to conventional expression cultures, which support high-density inoculation with baculovirus for recombinant gene expression.The highest cell densities of High5 cells in serum-free medium are more than 1.0×107cells/ml with stable cell passage. The maximum cell density of High5 cells in serum-free medium is more than 1.0×107cells/ml, with stable cell passage.High5 Cell Culture Medium is a complete medium and does not require supplementation with proteins or other insect hormones prior to use.

  • 1、Supports recombinant gene expression in the insect-baculovirus system (BEVS).

    2、Protein expression is stable.

    3、Easy to purify.

    4、HF502C is a complete medium, no need to supplement protein or other insect hormones before use.

  • Product Number

    Product Specification




Contact details

  • Website:
  • http://en.suzhouwomei.com/
  • Email:
  • womeishengwu@szwmbio.com
  • Address:
  • No.23, South side of Fenghuang Avenue, Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou, China

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